ExcelLR’H: a project to accelerate the University’s transformation

The ExcellencES project in Human Resources for La Rochelle Université (ExcelLRH) aims to provide the university with the resources necessary for the long-term development of structuring projects embodying its transformation. 

La Rochelle Université is one of 44 winning projects in the “Accelerating the development strategies of higher education and research institutions” (ASDESR) call for projects, part of the fourth Investment for the Future Programme (PIA4). Its aim is to stimulate training and research systems by “supporting the implementation of a long-term development policy for own resources, based on the strategy of higher education and research institutions (ESR)”.

The aim of the ASDESR call for projects is therefore to help ESRs increase their resources to launch new projects thanks to the additional resources obtained. This call for projects was designed to support two areas, among them lifelong and professional training, European funding, heritage promotion and patronage.

The university has been awarded the sum of €2 617 876 for its ExcelLR’H project by the French National Agency for Research (ANR), out of a total budget of €200 million and for a period of 9 years, in order to develop the field of lifelong and professional training as well as that of European funds.

Brief overview of the project

The ExcelLR’H project is fully in line with the university’s strategy, given its transformation process based on the specialisation of its research in Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability and the leadership of the EU-CONEXUS European University. Its aim is to provide the institution with the necessary resources for the long-term development of structuring projects that embody its transformation.

The project, developed in partnership with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), will strengthen the areas of lifelong learning and European funding, which are essential to the university’s influence at both local and European level.

  • Call for projects: ASDESR
  • Acronym: ExcelLR’H
  • Duration: 9 years
  • Budget: €2.6 million
  • Partners: CNRS

Logo France 2030

This project was funded by a French government grant managed by the French National Agency for Research under the France 2030 programme (ANR-22-ASDR-0019).


The development of two activities (lifelong learning and European funds) will enable the institution to expand its relations with academic and social and economic actors, both at local and European level.

Activity 1: Lifelong Learning

The Lifelong Learning section will be strengthened by seven positions, with the recruitment of two training engineers (who will be responsible for developing course programmes), three development officers, one marketing manager and one training assistant. These reinforcements will enable the creation of lifelong learning programmes in relation to the social and economic world. The aim is to provide training on four themes (coastline, environmental transition, digital transition and innovation). These courses will also be developed in close cooperation with the school’s research laboratories.

Activity 2: European funds

The European funds section will be allocated three additional European project engineers. These reinforcements will make it possible to respond more effectively and more consistently to calls for European projects, in particular through EU-CONEXUS, as well as providing greater proximity to the whole academic community.


  • Lifelong Learning: the recruitment of a training engineer and a marketing manager took effect around February 2024.
  • European funds: two recruitments, one in October and another in December 2023.