
La Rochelle University works in close collaboration with numerous structures and associations in order to provide help and guidance to both international and French students.

The “Region Nouvelle-Aquitaine” provides significant support to La Rochelle Université, including financial assistance to students wishing to study abroad.

The “Communauté d’Agglomération de La Rochelle” provides great support for La Rochelle Université in diverse areas and makes available allowances to encourage students to study abroad.

Partners Région Nouvelle Aquitaine

The “Prefecture de la Charente-Maritime” and the International Office provide international students with assistance for their visa and resident permit.

Partners Crous

Every year the “CROUS” and “ARHPEJ” welcome many students, and especially International students and exchange students, as part of the partnerships between La Rochelle Université and international universities.

Partners CDIJ 17

“Le Centre départemental Information jeunesse” organises cultural events for all students and inform about the different mobilities abroad.

The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is an association which welcomes international students and organises cultural activities for them.

Partners Adriem

“ADRIEM” puts international students in touch with families from La Rochelle in order to make them feel welcome and help them discover French culture.

Contact The International Office +33(0)5 46 45 87 47

Open :
Tuesday-Friday : 9am-12am / 13:30pm-16pm
Closed : on Monday mornings and Friday afternoons