Collecting your degree certificate

Applications for graduation can be made from the month of March following the year of graduation from the “Service des Etudes et de la Vie Etudiante” (SEVE) of La Rochelle University.

If you would like to collect your degree certificate from La Rochelle Université :

Please come to the “Service des Etudes et de la Vie Etudiante” (SEVE) at the Technoforum with your ID.

Note : Your student card is not considered proof of identity.

If you would like someone else to collect your degree certificate :

The mandated person has to go to the “Service des Etudes et de la Vie Etudiante” (SEVE) with the following documents :

  • A proxy (PDF) 
  • a legible photocopy of your identity document (front and back),
  • their own ID

If you would like the university to send your degree to a foreign country :

You have to send the following documents to the SEVE :

  • An A4 envelop, with an 11€ stamp, with your name, surname and address for a registered letter
  • A letter indicating your address, your degree course and the year of graduation

If you would like the university to send your degree to an address in France:

  • An A4 envelop with a 6.5€ stamp, with your name, surname and address for a registered letter (NB: date stamps are not accepted)
  • A letter indicating your address, your degree course and the year of graduation. You should allow 1 month for delivery.

Collecting your “DEUG” (Bac+2) and your Master’s Degree (Bac+4) :

You have to send the following documents to SEVE:

  • An A4 envelop with a 6.5€ stamp, with your name, surname and address for a registered letter (NB: date stamps are not accepted)
  • A letter indicating your address, your degree course and the year of graduation. You should allow 1 month for delivery

La Rochelle Université


23 avenue Albert Einstein


Note : degree certificates are provided only on demand

If you would like to collect your C2i Certification :

The C2i Certification can be obtainedfromthe “InfoTrans” Service, using the same procedure as for the degree certificate.

Contact C2i:

Sandrine DURAND –

Pôle Communication, Multimédia et Réseaux
44 avenue Albert Einstein