Sustainable Building, Energy, Eco-industries sector
In response to societal issues such as the energy performance of buildings, the decarbonisation of energy, air pollution control and the anticipation of tomorrow’s Smart City, the sector is part of a territory at the forefront of sustainable building and energy efficiency. It also deals with issues linked to coastal areas, such as the durability of materials.
The Sustainable Building, Energy, Eco-industries sector covers 800 students from the B.U.T. to the doctorate and brings together nearly 40 researchers in 5 laboratories and research federations.
It is at the origin of the Tipee platform, the first technological platform for sustainable building on the Atlantech cluster, which was incubated at La Rochelle University before developing its engineering and research activities, test laboratories and training more widely.
The sector is led by a teacher-researcher, Patrick Salagnac.