DD&RS Label: La Rochelle Université was awarded the sustainable development and social responsability label La Rochelle Université > University > Our social commitments > Sustainable development > DD&RS Label: La Rochelle Université was awarded the sustainable development and social responsability label Published on 5 February 2025 In 2022, La Rochelle Université was awarded the DD&RS label, which recognises the university’s commitment to the environment and society, and confirms the approach implemented since 2016. It also commits the university to a process of continuous improvement in Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility. La Rochelle Université was awarded the label for four years The DD&RS label is based on a common reference framework for higher education institutions, covering five areas: governance, training, research, environmental management and social policy. On the basis of a self-assessment and an audit, the university was awarded the label for a period of four years (2022-2025), which will enable it to implement actions to improve its approach in line with the principle of continuous improvement. The network created as a result of the certification is also a means of exchanging best practice with committed universities. Opportunities created by the approach within the university On the one hand, the label confirms the actions already being taken by the university, such as setting up a network of sustainable development officers within the institution, regularly raising employees’ awareness of the use of soft mobility and providing social support for students, particularly through its Master Plan for Persons with Disabilities. It also provides an opportunity to define new objectives and an action plan for the next four years, which will be subject to regular assessment by CIRSES. A number of outlines have already been drawn up, including the creation of a mobility plan, the increased use of environmental criteria in the drafting of public tenders and the creation of a Master Plan for Property and Reduction of Energy Consumption. Finally, thanks to funding obtained under the PIA4 programme, the university aims to develop initiatives to promote the dissemination and popularisation of science on sustainable development issues in coastal areas. More about the label : Created in 2015, the DD&RS label is supported by the Collectif pour l’Intégration de la Responsabilité Sociétale dans l’Enseignement Supérieur (CIRSES), supported by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, France Universités, the Conférence des Grandes Écoles and the Réseau des Étudiants pour une société écologique et solidaire (RESES).