Smart CODE : on-demand teaching thanks to digital innovation La Rochelle Université > University > Our strategic projects > Smart CODE : on-demand teaching thanks to digital innovation Published on 6 March 2025 The Smart CODE project: La Rochelle Université’s Smart Curriculum On Demand aims to strengthen a global digital approach that is already being implemented and to develop a new concept of inclusive, personalised and on-demand teaching. La Rochelle Université is the winner of the call for expressions of interest (AMI) “Digital demonstrators in higher education”, launched by the French government as part of the Investment for the Future Programme. The aim of the AMI is to identify institutions that are ready to implement a digital transformation strategy across all their training programmes. As the winner, the university has been awarded €5 million to develop its “Smart CODE” project. La Rochelle Université’s project consists in implementing an innovative “on-demand” learning model, based on personalised learning pathways and content on the one hand, and on multimodality and hybridisation of teaching on the other. This project is based on 4 pillars: Personalised learning pathways The aim is to design a tool for personalising training courses, using information from the learner’s profile (such as previous studies and career goals), in order to suggest a tailored course in line with the learner’s ambitions. By creating this pathway, the learner will then be directed towards the teaching units available in the university’s range of courses, which will enable them to acquire the skills they need to achieve their objective. Learners will be able to draw on video testimonials from alumni, presenting in just a few minutes the links between their academic career at La Rochelle University and their current job. Find out more about the transformation of training courses at La Rochelle Université. Personalised learning processes The aim of this section is to generalise multimodality within La Rochelle Université’s range of courses, by offering several forms of access for the same course (in-person or online learning, synchronous or asynchronous), in order to take into account the constraints that learners may experience (working while studying, living far from La Rochelle, etc.). Call for projects : Digital demonstrators in higher education (DemoES) Durée : 3 years Budget : €5 million Partenaires : ANR, Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Rectorat, Millionroads, Edusign and Wooclap. This project was funded by a French government grant managed by the French National Agency for Research under the Investment for the Future programme (ANR-21-DMES-0015). Students will be able to switch from one mode to another according to their needs and schedule, while still being able to watch the courses as they wish. This multimodality is made possible by the creation of new innovative learning spaces, called Smart Rooms. Personalised support for teachers The project involves the creation of a support team made up of educational engineers, content integrators, graphic designers and audio-visual engineers. This team will help teachers to create teaching scenarios (from the perspective of multimodality), and to create electronic teaching content (course materials, recordings, video clips). Support will be particularly important for the creation of asynchronous learning activities. This unit supports teachers in the integration of new digital technologies through training courses, videos and other support documents. Personalised student follow-up With the personalisation of learning pathways, different groups of students will be present full-time, partially or not at all. In order to ensure that each student receives the same level of educational support and assistance in achieving success, both in the classroom and online, a dedicated platform will be set up to provide personalised follow-up. The aim of this follow-up will be to use learning analytics to measure the student’s attendance and success, so as to identify those in difficulty and offer them appropriate solutions (tutoring, appointments with educational advisers, psychological help, reorientation, etc.). Once they have been identified via the platform, these students in difficulty will be monitored by success coaches. To help implement these 4 pillars and facilitate the integration and success of students (whether in the classroom or distance learning), the Smart CODE project is also working to create campus life and a sense of belonging through various initiatives: the development of the LaRochelleUniv application for students, giving them rapid access to all useful information (timetable, Crous menus, news, etc.). the creation of Smart Places, multi-purpose spaces for students in the common areas, to encourage independent or group work, as well as relaxation. the deployment of digital teaching tools such as Wooclap and Wooflash.