Internationalising the University

Research and education at La Rochelle Université – which benefit from an ambitious international policy – capitalise in particular on the potential of the EU-CONEXUS European university.


Since 2016, La Rochelle Université has focused on strengthening its international partnerships around the theme of Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability (LUDI).

The aim is for the University to:

  • Establish itself as a university recognised for its areas of excellence, serving both local and international LUDI territories. By being a driver and vector for innovation, we add a distinctive and complementary feature to the surrounding landscape of French higher education;
  • Offer the best possible training and professional integration environment, whatever the length of study undertaken. It offers original career prospects for students from the local community, and also constitutes an attractive and stimulating environment on an international scale;
  • Ensure the coherence of international outreach projects by developing a joint partnership strategy;
  • Create, through a clear strategy, an ecosystem conducive to the ongoing development of new own resources.

As well as working with the LUDI, the university is also expanding its policy in respect of international partnerships, in particular to promote high-level research agreements with leading institutions and countries such as the United States, Australia, Korea and Japan.


Created in 2019 as part of the Erasmus+ call for projects on European universities, EU-CONEXUS embodies the European and international ambition of La Rochelle Université: that of building a new model of university, based on interdisciplinarity, specialising in research on Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability, open to the world and society. Following in the footsteps of La Rochelle Université, EU-CONEXUS has been shaped by the same values: personalised pathways, specialisation, solidarity, innovation, exemplarity and openness to the world. With the aim of shaping tomorrow’s “Euro-citizens”, EU-CONEXUS offers prospects and opportunities for young people thanks to the diversity and complementary nature of the training available at nine institutions across the continent.

EU-CONEXUS brings together, alongside La Rochelle Université (which is leading the project), the Catholic University of Valencia (Spain), the Agricultural University of Athens (Greece), the Technical University of Construction of Bucharest (Romania), the University of Klaipeda (Lithuania), the University of Zadar (Croatia), the University of Rostock (Germany), the University of Frederick (Cyprus) and the South East Technological University (Ireland). With the aim of creating a fully operational European university, EU-CONEXUS promotes mobility, complementarity and cooperation between partner institutions in education and research.

With its tremendous intellectual potential focused on LUDI, EU-CONEXUS aims to become a leading global player in the service of society, becoming a reference for environmental issues in integrated coastal zone management.

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